Blue Collar Executive
Achieve your destiny and be successful at any level by staying rooted in a strong work ethic, determination, and integrity. My Mom and Dad were factory workers and generations before them were farmers or coal miners. My path took me in a business direction, but it was still the work ethics and values of my blue collar roots that helped me reach top executive levels. My Dad was a man of few words, but as I navigated through my career I could always find the answers I needed in the subtle things he said or did. I believe these nuggets can help anyone achieve any level of success they desire and I want to share them. I have written many of these in an unpublished book, but my gift is talking and not writing. So I am going to share them in this weekly podcast in hopes someone finds them valuable or at least entertaining. It doesn't matter what color your collar is. We all have gifts and a purpose. None more important than the other. The important thing is that we all reach our full potential and be the best we can be.
Blue Collar Executive
Now Hiring
There is a growing epidemic of poor customer service. Many leaders will tell you that it is a result of the inability to staff quality employees. There is some truth to this, but they need to look in the mirror for the solution. The issue is not the employee, rather the employer. There are plenty of dedicated, hard working people to fill any company's needs. However, they have a choice and no one wants to give their loyalty and dedication where they are unappreciated and feel like what they do doesn’t matter. How can fast food chains sit next door to each other and one be fully staffed with great customer service and the other struggle to keep the doors open? I don't know the ingredients of a great chicken sandwich, but I do know the secret sauce for providing great customer service. I share that in this episode.
Systems and processes cannot replace the human element. Lewis Taulbee Jr.