Blue Collar Executive
Achieve your destiny and be successful at any level by staying rooted in a strong work ethic, determination, and integrity. My Mom and Dad were factory workers and generations before them were farmers or coal miners. My path took me in a business direction, but it was still the work ethics and values of my blue collar roots that helped me reach top executive levels. My Dad was a man of few words, but as I navigated through my career I could always find the answers I needed in the subtle things he said or did. I believe these nuggets can help anyone achieve any level of success they desire and I want to share them. I have written many of these in an unpublished book, but my gift is talking and not writing. So I am going to share them in this weekly podcast in hopes someone finds them valuable or at least entertaining. It doesn't matter what color your collar is. We all have gifts and a purpose. None more important than the other. The important thing is that we all reach our full potential and be the best we can be.
Blue Collar Executive
What If This Is As Good As It Gets
Resolutions are great and what better day to make a fresh start than the first day of the new year! It is important to work on improving areas of our lives, but we must first recognize who we are and where we are before we can move forward. We must know the direction of lifes current before we set our sail to progress into the future.
In this episode I talk about this and offer five steps that I believe will move our lives in the right direction for our higher destiny.